Friday, May 6, 2011

Auxiliary Fuel Tanks for Extra Range

The DeHavilland Beaver has very long range with 3 belly tanks totaling 95 gallons, plus wingtip tanks on each side totaling another 42 gallons.  In addition, recently added this custom 35 gallon stand alone tank, lashed down in the cabin behind the front seats.  All seats are removed now except the front two.  Deep cycle Jell Cell battery between the front seats, just aft, powers the integral portable fuel pump (which can be disconnected and will be also used to extract 100LL from the 55 gallon fuel drums in the remote locations).  Jell Cell also powers other odds and ends when out on the land.  In order to use this final 35 gallons, will have to land and refuel manually, as this tank is not connected to the plane's plumbing.  Important that the tank is grounded to the plane, and when fueling, also that the plane is grounded to the ground.

On the front right seat the Toughbook is on a charger; mounted on a Havis tilt mount (used in police cars) strapped in and wired for thermal scanning, while coupled to a separate Garmin GPS system.


  1. Very excited to see the results of this investigation. It seems the planning of this has been well thought out. When do you begin?

  2. Soon. Want to be in Cambridge Bay staging by mid June. But need to see if the rest of the Canada permits will be approved and issued. Supposed to hear something in early June. Stay tuned.
